Swirzkii Mite


Predatory mites that primarily feed on the 1st and 2nd instar larvae of thrips and supplementally on whitefly and spidermites


Swirzkii Mite– Neoseiulus (Amblyseius) swirskii are tan coloured are predatory mites, with adults (0.4 mm long), elongated bodies, and 4 pairs of legs. They are difficult to see in the crop.

They feed on the 1st and 2nd instar larvae of thrips. They will also prey on the eggs and nymphs of whitefly in certain conditions where thrips are also present. They can also feed on spidermites, russet mites, bamboo mites, and broad mites, though not enough to provide control.  They can supplement their diet on plant pollen if needed.

Swirzkii Mite is best used at a temperature range of 25°C- 28°C. They are much less effective predators at high temperatures. Their optimal relative humidity is over 70%RH. Humidity of over 70% is necessary for egg hatch.  Their life cycle from egg to adult can be completed in under 7 days. Females can lay 2 eggs/ day on leaf hairs. They are white eggs of 0.14mm.

This predator can enter diapause if day-length is shorter than 12- 14 hours of light/day. It is necessary to use supplemental lighting to avoid diapause and maintain high levels of reproduction at short day-length. They are more effective and find it easier to move on leaves without many hairs. This mite migrates on leaves and over ground to locate prey.

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100 slow release sachets, 500 slow release sachets